A tale that the tree tells

A tale that the tree tells..

Stories of how it rose and yet all leaves fell..

Anecdotes it keeps of those people here they told..

Sitting under its branches with their legs crossed fold..

Memories of a girl who danced here when the birds hummed a song..

Inspirational talks leaders gave against all wrong..

A tale that the tree tells..

Stories of how they let that cigarette off of their hand..

As they kicked the beer bottle through it’s land..

Memories of how it once bloomed all over..

When people cared of how other felt and humanity existed in a way very sober..

Yet a new day, a new hope it gives..

To protect us from the rain and the sun it still seeks..

A tale that the tree tells..




Pragya Gyawali

Everyday I wake up, dreaming and striving to become a better “ME” than I was yesterday.